Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Watch for More Info On: Good Night

I'm in the process of reading, Good Night: The Sleep Doctor's 4-Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health by Michael Brues, PhD. I have been in search of a good night's sleep since I got pregnant with Boobah at the beginning of 2003! That's a long time to go without sleep. Check back here on March 29 to hear my take on the book and progress in the 4 week program.

First Review: Good Kids, Bad Habits

Check out my first review over at my main site, Mama Maven. I'll give you the dirt on Good Kids, Bad Habits. After this I'll keep all the reviews over here at Maven Says.


I decided I wanted to a special place to keep all of my reivews for Parent Bloggers Network so welcome to the new space. Keep your eyes out for a Maven's view on the new and exiciting or maybe sometimes, not so exciting. I'll tell ya what I think, I promise!